There are some exciting changes happening in the VRCA’s education department.
As you may be aware, VRCA received a generous grant from the Real Estate Foundation of BC to perform an industry-wide study on current and future trends in construction education. RDH Building Science was contracted to perform this study, and the results will be available to VRCA during later this month.
In the past, VRCA has published a twice-yearly education catalogue in October and April. Due to the timing of the study results, publishing a printed catalog next month is not a practical decision because we already know new courses will be added to our curriculum over the period covered by our fall/winter catalogue.
This has prompted us to make some exciting changes so we can share education information in a more modern and mobile-friendly format.
In the next weeks, you can look forward to some enhancements to the search capability on our online Education Calendar, and a new Course Description document on our website. Additionally, whenever any new courses are added to the calendar, an article will be published in the weekly Connector newsletter under the heading Evolving Education.
“The upcoming changes to the VRCA website will make it much easier for mobile users to find out course information and dates,” said Andrea Ringrose, VRCA education manager.
“Additionally, our education offering will become far more agile by not being constrained with a printed catalogue. We will be able to add new courses as we identify them, and know that our members can easily find them.”
If you have any questions, please reach out to Andrea at [email protected].