2024 Project Award Categories for Nomination


General Contractor – Up to 3 Gold winners will be selected

Execute the construction of the project in its entirety – must have at least one superintendent or full-time construction manager on their payroll throughout the life cycle of the nominated project.

General Contractor – Tenant Improvement – 1 to 2 Gold winners will be selected

Execute the construction of the project in its entirety – must have at least one superintendent or full-time construction manager on their payroll throughout the life cycle of the nominated project.

General Contractor – Civil Industrial Construction – 1 to 2 Gold winners will be selected

Civil Industrial Projects include Water Reservoirs, Railways, Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Subdivisions, Transportation Systems, Water and Sewage Systems, Bulk Material Handling including Port Facilities, LNG, Oil Fields, Mines, Pulp Mills, Sawmills, Factories, Manufacturing Facilities, Electrical Power Transmission Systems, Electric Power Substations, Dams, Solar Farms, Wind Generation, Refineries, Chemical Plants & Smelters and Similar Projects

Trade Contractor – Up to 3 Gold winners will be selected

The Trade Contractors category is for project work completed under a General Contractor or other contractor to execute a specialized scope of work of construction or a portion of a general work of construction.

Mechanical Contractor – Up to 3 Gold winners will be selected

Projects including plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, sprinkler systems, fire protection, control systems, refrigeration, insulation, specialized process systems, medical gases, hydronics, site services and welding. 

Electrical contractor – Up to 3 Gold winners will be selected

Projects including design, installation and maintenance of electrical systems.

Manufacturer & Supplier – 1 Gold winner will be selected

Manufacture, sale, or supply of materials, equipment, products, or services by M&S member companies.

Special Awards

The nominations will also be considered for the following Special Award categories:

  • Heritage Award

    Awarded to members for preserving the aesthetic, historic, or cultural values of a building or structure of significance.
  • Environment & Sustainability Award

    Awarded to those nominees that through their own initiative and efforts demonstrate significant environmental benefit beyond the requirements of the contract.
  • Innovation Award

    Awarded to those employing unique and creative solutions to meet challenges encountered. 

Project Nomination Process

Looking to get extra exposure and recognition for your business?
The 2024 Awards of Excellence is a great opportunity to showcase your company’s commitment to quality and professionalism!

Watch the video below to learn how to nominate.

1. Review the 2024 VRCA Awards of Excellence Criteria & Conditions to ensure you are eligible to submit your project.

2. Register your project. All companies must pay $100 per project nomination.

3. Complete the online nomination form.

  • Register an account
  • Create your nomination, include the registration ID of your project
  • Include up to three high-resolution photos of the project
  • Submit by April 5, 2024 before 12pm noon.

Prequalification round: Judges will select 5 projects in each category to move forward to presentation round. Prequalified companies will be contacted after April 17th.

5. After April 17, 2024, VRCA will contact the pre-qualified companies to schedule presentation with the judges. Virtual presentation, or site visits with the judges will take place May 27 – June 13, 2024.

6. Use the provided VRCA PowerPoint project template to prepare your submission package, this is due when you meet with the judges between May 27 – June 13, 2024.

Please provide VRCA with:

  • Digital copies of your submission package
  • 3 – 5 high-resolution project images

The judges will determine three Silver Award winners in each category, announced on August 2, 2024.

8. Join us in October 2024 at the 35th Awards of Excellence Gala, where one (1) Gold Award winner in each category will be announced!

*NEW IN 2024*

  • Additional category for General Contractors: Civil Industrial Construction
  • Categories based on Project Value has been removed for the nomination stage, During the prequalification round, judges will assess projects based on size and type and will place alike projects together. The judges will choose the top 3 – 4 projects in each category as Silver Winners.
  • Additional criteria added for the presentation round: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

2024 VRCA Awards of Excellence Criteria & Conditions


Nomination Period: Project nominations will be accepted online from VRCA members in good standing, between February 1, 2024, and March 31, 2024.

Deadline: To be considered for the 2024 Awards, nominations must be submitted by 5:00pm Sunday, March 31, 2024.

Project Eligibility Term: The project must have reached substantial completion between March 31, 2022, and March 31, 2024.

  • General Contractors may submit nominations provided they have at least one superintendent or full-time construction manager on their payroll throughout the life cycle of the nominated project.
  • Electrical, Mechanical, Trades, and Manufacturers and Suppliers that are not current VRCA members are eligible only if referred by a General Contractor who is a current VRCA member in good standing for that project.
  • Once a member company nominates a project, they are not eligible to re-submit the same project.

Important information:

  • Nomination Limits: Members are limited to 5 nominated projects per year. Members are encouraged to put forward only their most award-worthy projects.
  • Prequalification Round: During the prequalification round, judges will assess projects based on size and type and will, as best as possible, place alike projects together. Five finalists in each category will be selected to formally present for awards. The judges will choose the top 3 – 4 projects in each category as Silver Winners. Qualified companies will be contacted after April 17th to schedule presentations.
  • Photos Required with Nomination: To assist judges in the prequalification round, up to 3 project photos should be submitted. These photos do not need to be high resolution or professional quality. They will be used simply to assist judges in the prequalification round.
  • Nomination Fee: A nominal fee of $100 for each nomination will be required before online submission. Please check the link provided on the website for payment.


For pre-qualified nominations, please follow the eight criteria listed below when completing your project submission package for the judges. This information is integral in evaluating the merits of your project.

  1. Financial Performance & Bid Method
    Information sufficient for the judges to evaluate performance versus budget should be included. If performance varied from plan, please include an explanation.

    Include the bidding method used to secure the contract.

    Important Note: Do NOT include actual profit dollars or actual margin. Include general information only.

  2. Schedule Performance
    Information must be provided to show the project’s schedule data and the actual performance relative to the agreed upon schedule.
  3. Value Engineering & Innovations
    Provide details on innovative practices or products that were deployed on the project. Include specifics on the improvements and benefits realized, financial or otherwise.
  4. Challenges & Resolutions
    Outline the challenges or unexpected hurdles that were overcome, and how they were resolved.
  5. Safety Record
    Include a description of your project’s safety practices and records, including the number of first aids and lost time accidents if applicable. Add any other important safety related information. Note the total crew size working under your contract.
  6. Stakeholder Cooperation
    Include the communication methods/strategies and cooperation among the stakeholders on this project.
  7. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
    Please provide an overview of project efforts and successes in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion.
  8. Quality Management
    Include the procurement, delivery, and storage of materials for this project; what was done to ensure the quality of the project.

Other Conditions

Patent Rights
If the nominated project contains any feature(s) which could be protected by patent rights, the submission must be accompanied by written evidence to show that the necessary steps have been taken to secure the requisite legal protection since neither the sponsor of the award nor the Vancouver Regional Construction Association can assume any responsibility for “prior disclosure” in advance of a patent application.

Trade and Manufacturer & Supplier (M&S) Referrals
General Contractors are welcome to refer Trades and M&S firms for an award. All referred trade and M&S members are required to submit their own project nomination following the criteria and conditions to qualify for an award.

Eligibility requirements will apply to all Trade and M&S submissions.

Judging Process

  1. A panel of judges appointed by the Board of Directors of VRCA will review all project submissions.

  2. The 5 finalists from the pre-qualification round in each category will be contacted by the VRCA after April 17, 2024 to schedule a presentation. The format (virtual or site visit) will be at the discretion of the judging panel. Presentations will take place between Monday, May 27, 2024 and Thursday, June 13, 2024.

  3. The eight criteria listed above are mandatory in all presentations. Nominees may use the PowerPoint template that will be provided in the prequalification confirmation email for the presentation. Use of the PowerPoint template is preferred whenever possible.

        – Presenters who do not wish to use the PowerPoint template are required to provide a 1-page fact sheet that addresses the seven criteria. Presenters should prepare to expand on the criteria during their presentations.
        – Presenters are required to provide a digital copy of their submission to VRCA.

        – Testimonials are welcome. Nominees are encouraged to list certification or rating programs such as LEED, Passive House, etc. that were followed on the project. Include any special challenges these programs presented.

  4. Prequalified finalists will be asked to provide VRCA with 3-5 high resolution photos of the nominated project. All photographs submitted become the property of VRCA. These photographs will be used to promote the Awards of Excellence, VRCA and the construction industry. Photographs should be in high resolution eps and jpeg formats. Send your Dropbox invitations or links to FTP sites to [email protected].

  5. The judges use a point-based system to help evaluate members’ nominations and the decisions of the judges are final.

  6. The judges reserve the right to reassign entries to the category they deem fit. Firms with a project that is moved to an alternate category will be notified in advance of their presentation and will be given the option to present on either the project as a whole or just the trade work and value.