BC Energy Step CodeThe BC Energy Step Code Design Guide is now available for download from the BC Housing website.

Published by BC Housing in collaboration with BC Hydro, the City of Vancouver, the City of New Westminster, and the Province of BC, the guide provides information on the key strategies and approaches to meeting the Energy Step Code in mid- and high-rise (Part 3) wood-frame and non-combustible residential buildings within British Columbia.

It is also a good resource for larger or more complex low-rise (Part 9) wood-frame residential buildings and buildings with other occupancies.

The guide is intended to provide a clear and easy-to-read resource for a range of actors in British Columbia, including local governments, architects, and developers.

While the strategies outlined in the guide are designed for buildings to comply with the Energy Step Code across the province, they are also applicable to those seeking compliance with the City of Vancouver’s Zero Emissions Building Plan. Additional information on strategies of particular relevance to designers working in Vancouver is provided at key points throughout the guide, and in Supplement S (pg 45).


  • Download the Energy Step Code Design Guide.
  • To learn how this guide can help you implement the Energy Step Code, please consider this upcoming UDI Seminar on May 15, 2018.