Four BC municipalities have established or ratified a bylaw, policy or program that references the BC Energy Step Code, and an additional 21 have started the required consultations.
The BC Energy Step Code is a provincial standard enacted in April 2017 that provides an incremental and consistent approach to achieving more energy-efficient buildings that go beyond the requirements of the base BC Building Code. This new standard is a vital measure to enable BC to meet the provincial goal to construct net-zero energy ready buildings by 2032. (In Vancouver, the deadline is 2025.)
Click here for the list of communities that have provided notice to the Province that they will be referencing the BC Energy Step Code within their jurisdictions.
Click here for a list of resources related to Step Code, including the costing study titled BC Energy Step Code Metrics Research Report that identifies the lowest-cost options to build to Step Code for the various building archetypes.
Click here to register to receive the monthly BC Energy Step Code Stakeholder Updates.