Did you know that a Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) is required for all B.C. workplaces of 20 or more employees? On Dec. 10, VRCA will hold a new class that covers this regulatory requirement.
A Joint Health and Safety Committee is composed of worker and management representatives and is a primary component of any employer’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system. A company that is smaller than 20 workers can appoint a Worker Health and Safety Representative in place of a JHSC.
All joint committee members selected on or after April 3, 2017 must receive eight hours of training and instruction on the following topics:
• duties and functions of a joint committee;
• rules of procedure of the joint committee;
• requirements around conducting incident investigations;
• requirements around conducting regular workplace inspections, and how to make regular inspections;
• requirements around responding to a refusal of unsafe work; and
• requirements for annually evaluating the joint committee.
The course is designed for new and existing members of a JHSC for employers within B.C.
Worker Health and Safety Representatives will also benefit from this course, which will cover legislation, selection & organization, duties and functions, JHSC meetings, orientation, training and education, teamwork & team building and measuring success.
Students will be issued a certificate of completion upon successful completion of the course. For more information or to sign up for this course, please click here.