Some business owners are good at attracting talent. Others are skilled at developing their people so that they become part of the company’s succession plan. You can develop skills in both of these areas with two dynamic courses, coming soon to VRCA.
With the current labour shortage, construction companies are doing their best to attract and retain top talent, but finding qualified people for your business can be difficult. In addition, with unemployment in B.C. at a historic low, hiring has become more challenging that ever.
Hiring is equal parts science and art, and top candidates are usually only on the market for 10 days! On May 23, VRCA is hosting a 1-day workshop called Hiring in a Candidate-Driven Market. This workshop will go over strategies to find and attract the right applicants, practical hiring techniques, interview skills to help you select the right new employees, and more.
Once you have your ideal team in place, employee retention is key. More than 80 per cent of employees are either actively looking for a new job or are open to one. Learn strategies to retain your organization’s key talent and ensure the continued growth of your business. Join us at VRCA on May 15 for a 1-day workshop called Love Them or Lose Them: Employee Retention. Some of the learning outcomes for this workshop include gaining tools and strategies to engage and retain productive employees, how to build a committed workforce that is highly connected to your organization, and understanding the causes of employee turnover and early warning signs.
If you have any questions or would like more information about either of these workshops, please contact [email protected].