The Wylie-Crump Limited team held their annual Kids Help Phone Dinner Dance this past May, where they raised over $17k in one night with the help and generosity of their clients, colleagues and close friends. This money went to a well-deserving cause which provides Canadian kids and youth with 24/7 professional counselling support through phone, live chat, website, and texting services.
Kids Help Phone is celebrating its 30th year in operation in 2019, showing the significant impact it has had for Canadian kids and youth. Wylie-Crump has stated that they are passionate about giving back to the community and that they understand the importance of ensuring youth have a safe space to go to in times of need.
If your company is giving back to the community, be sure to use the Canadian Construction Association’s hashtag #CDNConstructionGives for all your social media posts to get the credit you deserve!