Employment in British Columbia’s construction industry is expected to grow by nearly 8 per cent – approximately 16,600 jobs – over the coming decade. At the same time, B.C.’s construction workforce is getting older. By 2029, some 44,200 men and women – approximately 22 per cent of construction workers – are expected to retire.
Even with the prospect of recruiting 37,800 new entrants under the age of 30 to the industry during this 10-year period, the industry will be short 23,000 skilled trades workers by 2029.
Recognizing the importance of attracting men and women into the construction industry, VRCA has created a resource page for job seekers that explores careers in construction and provides access to research about which skilled trades have the greatest demand as well as trades training and certifications programs.
The new page complements the Navigating the Skilled Labour Shortage resource page launched on March 2, designed for employers around the recruitment life cycle of: Understand the Market, Attract, Train and Retain.
If there are other resources that should be added to either the job seeker or employer resource pages, please contact David Weir, Manager, Industry and Government Relations, at [email protected].