VRCA is very proud to offer financial support to those currently enrolled in a construction-related field of study at a regional post-secondary institution, through the VRCA Bursary Program.
Together we can do so much more.
VRCA has already raised $4,000 for the 2023 bursary awards. We are now seeking member partners who will match $500 funds to create eight (8) $1,000 co-branded bursaries.
Fun-size, co-branded bursary cheques will be formally presented by your representative and VRCA to recipients at the VRCA Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, February 7, 2023. VRCA will proudly recognize our bursary sponsors in VRCA social media and more.
We can’t do it without you.
If you would like your organization to be recognized as financially supporting construction students with demonstrated need, we would love to include you.
Please email Donna Grant, VRCA President, at [email protected] with your interest.
Co-branded bursary opportunities will be limited to eight, so please don’t delay in reaching out!
With Gratitude,
Vancouver Regional Construction Association

Donna Grant, President