Lower Mainland Facilities Management (LMFM) is now requiring contractors to report out on waste generated and diverted for all LMFM projects greater than $150,000 to ensure the Lower Mainland health authorities and organizations are aligned with Metro Vancouver’s waste diversion mandate and can reach its own 2020 GreenCare target of 80 per cent.
Why the additional reporting requirement?
Construction waste makes up a significant proportion of Metro Vancouver’s total waste (approximately 23 per cent) and there is great opportunity to recycle construction waste in Metro Vancouver (approximately 75 per cent of demolition, land clearing and construction waste is recycled).
LMFM wants this information to ensure the Lower Mainland health authorities and organizations are aligned with Metro Vancouver’s waste diversion mandate, targets and reporting processes; and it allows LMFM to track the impact of construction waste on the environment and ensure we reach its 2020 GreenCare Target of 80 per cent.
What’s new?
Contractors are now required to report out on waste generated and diverted for all Lower Mainland health authorities and organizations new constructions and renovations.
What does this mean for contractors?
Contractors are already required to dispose of construction waste responsibly by making provisions for waste that is banned from landfill/incineration. Therefore, the addition of this requirement only changes how they report on the disposal process.
All contractors are being told they need to report out on total kgs of waste generated and diverted on a quarterly basis. This will include consolidating waste data from any sub-trades.
LMFM is now including Section 9: Removal of Waste (see below) in the LMFM construction tender package for projects over $150K.
Section 9: Removal of Waste
9.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all rubbish and waste on a daily basis and shall permit no accumulation of rubbish and/or waste at any time.
9.2. Debris removal and material movement to and from the construction site shall be to the complete satisfaction of the LMFM Project Manager. All debris shall be removed in covered dust tight containers.
9.3. Where material or equipment is being transported within the existing building(s) on carts or pallets, such carts or pallets shall have non-marking tires.
9.4. The Contractor shall adhere to the Metro Vancouver “3Rs Code of Practice for the Building Industry” including proper provisions for materials that are banned and prohibited from landfill/incineration.
9.5. The contractor shall provide the LMFM Project Manager with the following information for all new LMHO constructions and renovations (LEED and non-LEED) on a quarterly basis:
- Total kgs of construction waste generated
- Total kgs of construction waste diverted
Click here to download the Demolition, Land Clearing & Construction Waste Management Toolkit.