Mental health issues in the workplace are among the top concerns for organizations of all sizes. For this reason, VRCA has expanded the resources section on its website to include information about mental health and wellness.
According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, one in five Canadians experience a mental health problem or illness each year. In B.C., WorkSafeBC reports that mental disorder claims are becoming the fastest growing type of claim at the agency. In 2018, the number of these claims from the general construction industry was up 20% compared to 2016.
Prioritizing the mental health of employees benefits both the individual and the organization. Mentally healthy workplaces can improve recruitment and retention efforts, enhance productivity, and increase the bottom line for a company.
The resources page includes essential information for both individuals and employers, and VRCA member companies and their employees can access the resources without logging in.
Check out VRCA’s mental health and wellness resources page now!