The VRCA is grateful for the interest and commitment of its members seeking election to the 2024/25 Board of Directors. The VRCA is its members. The Association does not exist outside of membership, which magnifies the critical importance and value of a diverse and independently representative Board of Directors. Service on the VRCA Board means leadership in one of Canada’s largest and most influential construction entities. 

With over 750 member organizations, the VRCA is British Columbia’s largest and most inclusive regional construction association. VRCA provides the resources that support our members’ ability to be informed, productive, and competitive, connecting people and facilitating opportunities to leverage our collective knowledge and strength. 

Proudly representing the true breadth and depth of the Lower Mainland’s construction industry, VRCA is comprised of union and open-shop businesses of all political affiliations, in BC’s industrial, commercial, institutional, infrastructure, and high-rise residential construction industry. 


Governance of the VRCA is vested in a Board of 14 volunteer, duly elected directors. 

Four (4) vacancies for the 2024/25 VRCA Board of Directors will be filled by individuals employed by members in good standing, from the General Contractors, Trade Contractors, Manufacturer & Suppliers, and/or Professional Services Divisions. 

Elections will be held Tuesday, February 13, 2024. 

Please review the 2024/25 VRCA Board of Directors Nomination Package and complete the included Nomination Form. 

Please submit nominations to [email protected] no later than 11:59pm, Friday, December 1, 2023.